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Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the least invasive assisted reproduction method and involves placing sperm directly in the uterine cavity. The goal is to give the sperm easier access to the egg and increase the number of sperm in the fallopian tube where fertilization occurs.

IUI can be timed to coincide with the woman’s natural cycle or performed after hormonal stimulation of the ovaries in order to make more eggs mature at once. The doctor checks the ovaries via ultrasound and assesses the situation. This method does not involve collecting eggs. The exact date of the procedure is scheduled based on the time of ovulation. Sperm collection and then insemination takes place on the day of ovulation. Sperm from a donor can also be used in this method.

Intrauterine insemination is a simple, quick and painless method of artificial insemination, similar to an ordinary gynecological examination. It is performed as an outpatient procedure and does not involve any absence from work or other restrictions. Patients are only recommended to refrain from heavy manual labor, exercising at the gym or other strenuous athletic activity.

Success rate and risks of IUI

A pregnancy test at the time of expected menstruation, about 14 days after insemination, determines whether the procedure was successful or not. This method involves minimal risks other than the possibility of multiple birth and the potential complications associated with that.

Suitable candidates for IUI

This method is suitable for couples having difficulty conceiving due to decreased sperm count or impaired sperm motility or if the woman’s immune system is blocking the sperm from passing through the cervix. It is also used for partners unable to have intercourse for whatever reason.