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The experience of our clients Rachel and Florian from the German town of Schwabisch Gmund.

'“Good things come to those who wait.”

This could be a description of our long journey to Karlsbad Fertility in the beautiful and ancient city of Karlovy Vary, near the German border. We, it's me Florian Joos from Schwabisch Gmund and Rachel Hope from Los Angeles.

But first, the beginning of our long story. We desperately want to have children together, which might seem simple at the first glance, but unfortunately, it is not, because Rachel cannot conceive naturally. Furthermore, she is 44 and I am 39.

If it does not go 'naturally', there are assisted reproduction clinics that specialize in helping people like us fulfil the dream of a longed-for child. We see this as a blessing.

Rachel and I went on a journey, read countless different forums, looked for all the information and examined various options. Very soon it became clear that German clinics we would not be able to help as the way we imagined. It was very important for us at the beginning of our journey to have a healthy child, which is certainly a wish of all the couples. Of course, the doctors at German clinics also try to help each couple have a healthy baby. But unfortunately the effective legislation allows the PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) to be performed within the IVF (in vitro fertilization) cycle only in families diagnosed with a serious genetically inherited disease. The clinics in Germany were out of the question due to the statutory regulations. In the Czech Republic, PGD can be performed and we decided that we would find a suitable clinic there.

Our journey finally had a clear goal: the clinic should offer PGD and should be in the Czech Republic. We found what we were looking for in Karlovy Vary. The Fertility centre is located here, led by a renowned and very experienced physician in the field of reproductive medicine MUDr. Petr Uher Ph.D. We scheduled the first visit and explained our wishes to the whole team. It was very good that all necessary medical and other results could be e-mailed in advance and our doctors were quickly able to tell us everything what was still needed. The contact with the clinic and the individual employees was really very simple, because everyone speaks excellent German.

We went to Karlovy Vary to find out about our options and the further course of therapy. When we arrived in Karlovy Vary, near the German border, we were impressed by the beauty of this town and again we were amazed by the modern and very attractive clinic in the old town, which really impressed us. We got the so-called stimulus plan at the clinic, which included precise instruction which medicines to use, when and how. We picked these drugs up at a nearby cooperating pharmacy and we could go back home to Germany.

The stimulation took 10 days. The ovaries were monitored by a local attending gynaecologist during this period and the ultrasonography results were sent to Karlovy Vary. We went back to Karlovy Vary shortly before the collection of eggs (oocyte retrieval procedure). We were really looking forward to the friendly team of Dr. Uher Ph.D.

A doctor discussed all the steps shortly before the eggs collection; all our worries and questions were answered in great detail. Everything was incredibly professional.

7 oocytes were collected, several of which could be fertilized. Karlsbad Fertility also offers an embryo-scope, allowing us to watch the embryo development on a monitor. The feeling, to be there, is indescribably beautiful.

Thanks to the PGD method, it was clear that we only have two healthy embryos. One embryo was transferred on the day 5, the other one was cryopreserved. We wanted it this way. Rachel stayed in Karlovy Vary until the transfer, but we could also go back home after the oocyte retrieval and return for the embryotransfer. The period after the transfer was without problems, it was necessary to take other medicines to help the small embryo implant. Then we had to wait patiently for two weeks before we could do a pregnancy test. Unfortunately, it was negative.

Based on very good experiences with this clinic, we decided to undergo further therapy. So far we are still waiting for the results. Of course, we still have one healthy embryo, which is now frozen, but we wanted to and we still want to increase our chances. Rachel is 44 years old and still has her own oocytes and we just want to start another IVF with her own oocytes, before we have to start thinking about the treatment with donated oocytes (which is also provided at the clinic), when there is no other option.

We would like to wholeheartedly thank the whole team of Karlsbad Fertility for their professional and very kind of behaviour, for the sensitive continuing support of our quest for the dreamt-up child. We have really only good experience with this clinic.

I can really recommend it to every couple. Make an appointment here, you will be advised and a good treatment option will be recommended.

To conclude, I would like to quote: ''Good things come to those who wait.''

Rachel and Florian